Friday, April 16, 2010

Carolina Cup 2010

This was my 4th Cup Race and for the first time I watched every horse race and even got into the gambling spirit. Just amongst friends, we had playing cards for every horse and would just change the dollar amount buy in for every race depending on how many horses were racing. William and I won 4 of I think 8 races! We NEVER win! Besides that the horses names we my favorite part! It was a beautiful sun-shiny day!

The creation of my Ulter Ego: PATTY

I love St. Patrick's Day, everything's GREEN it finally feels like SPRING and not to mention friends and family are usual on break and there's even a PARADE! When I was younger I enjoyed the candy throwing, when I was in my Teens I was always in the Parade, and now as an adult I love taking my niece and nephew to watch the parade and running into friends I haven't seen in years!

Parade of Homes 2010

Reclamation By Design, Ltd. Featured a home in the Parade that won several Light House Awards last November and had roughly 2000 people come through over 2 weekends.

So happy to have had the chance to spend another memorable V-day with my LOVE!

This year as we went Tapas Tramping from one restaurant to the next, it's good for when you can't decide what you want, or you want a little of everything and since we don't share money we swapped who paid; IT'S BRILLIANT! We reminisced about the past 3 Valentines Days that we've shared together and it took realizing Williams wedding band wasn't on his hand for us to remember that last Valentines Day he had surprised me by taking me Wedding Band shopping!

Did I throw a clock out of the window or something?

Oh how time can fly when you're having fun. Every year I take my niece Skylar to the Art Cafe on Hilton Head in Coligny Plaza for her birthday. We get to paint a picture frame or jewelry box etc. and then we paint our 1 x 1" tile. When I realized we were doing our 6th tile this year, I got a little emotional; she's growing up so fast I'm starting to feel like I'm missing it. I have a cast iron mirror that holds 14 tiles so next year is our half way point. When Skylar turns 15 I'll give her the mirror we created together, at which point she'll also be getting her license and I'll be a wreck. Attached much??!!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Mom and Dad you're 55!

On December 28, 2009 my Dad turned 55 and had his first surprise birthday party EVER! The way we lured him in was classic. We held the party at a home he built a few years ago that was going through the sale process and although he knew there was a function being held, he had no idea it was for him.Let me tell you a little about my Father, he builds every home as if it were his own, this house like every one before it was his "baby" so when he got the panic stricken phone call about the powder bath toilet over flowing and not being able to find the shut off, he immediately headed over. Imagine his state of mind, "what did they do to my house?" "unbelievable!" "dogonnit!" As he pulls into the drive way and walks up the front entry, he's immediately met by a recently hosed down walkway which he interprets as "this is worse than I thought" massive water line break DISASTER. He barges in the front door, doesn't even look up, heads straight into the powder room and then, SURPRISE! The look on his face was CLASSIC to say the least!

On April 14, 2010 my Mom joined my Dad at 55 and having helped me plan my his surprise party, I knew she couldn't't even have guessed that we were going to have one for her as well. Now, she's a lot easier to fool, we told her she was meeting potential clients and although she was a little sad we had lied about the potential clients part, she was very much surprised and had a wonderful time catching up with friends she hadn't seen in ages.

A Baby Shower for Violet Marie Davis, the first baby girl grandchild!

Mama Lynda made yet another exquisite cake for the shower. We succeeded in SURPRISING Mommy-to-be and one of my sister-in-laws Jessica! We told her it was a Mary Kay party, so she wouldn't pay any attention to the PINK balloons!! As you can see, Jess had a wonderful time opening all of the wonderful gifts for Violet!

Lets Go GameCocks!

I love that 
I married into a family 
of Gamcock fans! 
It just makes everything 
else so easy 
and obviously FUN!

Halloween Chicago Style

My best friend Sarah and I were Nickelodeon Double Dare Contestants, we had cozy-warm, "do it yourself", functional costumes that EVERYONE loved and YES we most definitely had physical challenges throughout the evening! Check out some of the other costumes we ran into!

Whitney and Daniel's BIG DAY! 11.14.2009

Whitney and Daniel's wedding was the first wedding William and I enjoyed as married wedding guests, we were excited about it, and our outfits ruled! That makes the grand total of Wedding Bliss enjoyed in 2009 = 7