Friday, April 16, 2010

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Mom and Dad you're 55!

On December 28, 2009 my Dad turned 55 and had his first surprise birthday party EVER! The way we lured him in was classic. We held the party at a home he built a few years ago that was going through the sale process and although he knew there was a function being held, he had no idea it was for him.Let me tell you a little about my Father, he builds every home as if it were his own, this house like every one before it was his "baby" so when he got the panic stricken phone call about the powder bath toilet over flowing and not being able to find the shut off, he immediately headed over. Imagine his state of mind, "what did they do to my house?" "unbelievable!" "dogonnit!" As he pulls into the drive way and walks up the front entry, he's immediately met by a recently hosed down walkway which he interprets as "this is worse than I thought" massive water line break DISASTER. He barges in the front door, doesn't even look up, heads straight into the powder room and then, SURPRISE! The look on his face was CLASSIC to say the least!

On April 14, 2010 my Mom joined my Dad at 55 and having helped me plan my his surprise party, I knew she couldn't't even have guessed that we were going to have one for her as well. Now, she's a lot easier to fool, we told her she was meeting potential clients and although she was a little sad we had lied about the potential clients part, she was very much surprised and had a wonderful time catching up with friends she hadn't seen in ages.

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